Connecting remote sites and giving them the bandwidth and uptime they want.

CloudAccess™ SD-Branch

CloudAccess™ is a unique, affordable overlay technology that provides:

  1. The ability to combine the bandwidth of multiple Internet connections into a single, faster pipe.
  2. The ability to route traffic such that it avoids Internet blackouts or brownouts.
  3. The ability to configure customized traffic rules to prioritize critical applications.
ethica Channel Bonding

Full list of features

These are just some of the features your customers can enjoy with CloudAccess™.

ethica Channel Bonding

Channel Bonding

Combine multiple Internet connections to achieve the throughput required for your customers – give them what they want.

ethica Traffic Management

Traffic Management

Build and apply your own traffic management profiles for both inbound and outbound traffic including brown-out mitigation.


Instant Failover

Back-up primary bundles with seamless, session-persistent back-ups to bundles of standby links. No more downtime.

ethica Advanced Routing

Advanced Routing

Expose internal nodes to the public Internet leveraging inbuilt NAT and port-forwarding rules.


Throughput Caps

Want to sell based on SDN throughput? No problem. You can set throughput limits to manage customer throughput.


Metered connectivity MANAGEMENT

Usage caps no more. Our system will monitor your usage and keep your customers from incurring overage costs.


LOCAL Internet breakout

Create custom rules that allow traffic classes to break-out at the site level, avoiding congestion at the hub.

ethica Machine Learning


CloudAccess™ can automatically detect the bandwidth capabilities of connections and regulate itself to what it learns. Provisioning is a snap.

Let’s get started

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