Three easy ways to improve your VoIP
High quality Internet-based telephony has never been more important than it is today. As more organizations move to cloud-based solutions, many of which include VoIP functionality, it’s safe to say that the future of telephony is VoIP. And the future of VoIP is SDN....
Ethica CloudAccess SDN vs Cisco Meraki SDN
Here at Ethica, we know we aren’t the only ones out there offering SDN services. We get it—competition is good and necessary. We’re confident that CloudAccess technology stacks up favourably compared to the other options available on the open market. In this post,...
Small Business SDN and the Mini-Enterprise
Small enterprises aren’t a monolith. Here at Ethica, we’re concerned that standard business typologies gloss over some of the important differences in small enterprises of different sizes, lumping sole proprietorships in with 80-person companies. We aim to change that...
Small Business SDN and the Micro-Enterprise
Enterprises come in all shapes and sizes, but here at Ethica we’re a little concerned with how they’re typically arranged and categorized. This is particularly true of the generic “Small-Medium Business” (SMB) category, which is too diverse to meaningful to anyone but...
Small Business SDN and the Nano-enterprise
Businesses come in all shapes and sizes and, here at Ethica, we have a special affection for the smaller ones. This is part one of our series on the unique needs of small businesses. When we say “nano-enterprise” what we’re really talking about are those tiny...
The Ethica Small Business Framework
How Small is Small? Can you make money selling SDN to SMBs? We think so. Small businesses don’t like dealing with vendors who don’t like dealing with them. The same way casinos prefer whales to guppies, software vendors like assigning their reps to accounts that are...
Critical Resiliency: Best Practice for ISPs
Critical resiliency, best practice for Internet Service ProvidersThe availability and reliability of internet access is mission critical for any organization. A business that is offline, even for a short period, can suffer significant financial losses, damage to...
Productizing CloudAccess – Part One
Twelve Simple products for ISPs looking to increase profit margins, get more creative with service offerings and solve more customer problems. Without the need for a massive investment in infrastructure, service providers can leverage CloudAccess to solve customer...
Using CloudAccess and Broadband to deliver Network Uptime
Independent ISPs can combine LTE with a Broadband connection to improve customer uptime and compete against Rogers and Bell in Canada. With businesses all around the world starting to get their "mojo" back (retail opening back up, restaurant patios being physically...
Your customers’ Empty Office means they need More Bandwidth
So your customers' offices are empty, but that doesn't mean they need less bandwidth. In fact, many need more.Take our friends at a Toronto-based architect firm. With Covid-19, more than 80% of their staff are working remotely. Their business model consists of...